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Kate Goheen

RP, BA (Hons.), MSc, MEd

Services in-person & virtual;

Child Therapy (10+yrs) & Adult Services

Kate Goheen (she/her), RP (qualifying), BA, MSc, MEd, holds an honours B.A degree in Psychology (2015), with an additional major in Philosophy from Concordia University. She completed an MEd in Counselling Psychology (2022) from University of New Brunswick. In addition, she completed an MSc in Neuroscience (2018) at Carleton University. Her thesis focused on the neural substrates of addiction, mechanisms of learning and memory, and adolescent development. Kate is a Registered Psychotherapist, qualifying with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario.Kate works alongside youth and their families, and views the therapeutic process as active and collaborative. She uses an integrative, evidence-based approach that balances acceptance, while empowering change. Being human can be hard, but it can also be beautiful. Quoting addiction specialist Dr. Gabor Mate β€œThe question is not why the addiction, but why the pain.” She believes this question transcends addiction and is applicable to all of our maladaptive coping behaviour.Kate aims to co-create an environment within sessions that is empowering so that clients can confidently overcome challenges and flourish. She also integrates her training in mindfulness and yoga practices when applicable.Training: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
Yoga Teacher Training (200hr) at Ashtanga Yoga Ottawa